Sunday, September 16, 2007

Tough Knit!

Allow me to start by saying that i am 110% IN LOVE with my new tattoos! I love the font, the placement, and everything about them. They aren't too big for my lady like hands. The font is unique & fun, yet classic and simple.

Although a few of my friends were skeptical about the idea of me getting ANY more tattoos, MUCH LESS on my hands... I said TOUGH KNIT & I did it anyway. After all I am an adult. I am PunK rAwK. I am headstrong. And I am a designer, and therefore know most certainly what i like and don't like when it comes to aesthetics. I was indeed going to be picky-choosy about what i put on my hands. I assured everyone that having knuckle tattoos would not increase my chances of winding up in prison. I wouldn't be committed to getting into bar fights. Nor would I have to take up smoking.

I was trying my best to look bad ass

I thought long and hard about getting my hands tattooed. I have wanted my knuckles tattooed for some 10 years or so now.... I just never knew what in the hell I wanted to announce to the whole wide world upon my dainty knuckles. Then after my two year knit-aversary, last spring, I realized how much knitting has affected me...

they look a bit blurry & crusty still... this photo was hours afterwards.

Knitting changed my life. In the most rewarding and positive way. It provided me with something crafty, creative, inspirational, and practical to do. It was something that by gosh... I just plain had a natural talent for. And most dear to my heart... knitting introduced me to some of the most amazing people I have ever met. Everyday I am constantly thankful for the people in my life. **Note (All of my friends, non knitters included are amazing people!! Truly amazing people.)
So it naturally made sense to me to label my hands with the words that have served me so well over the last few years. And while I was at it...

I thought it was a hoot to get these. And before the peanut gallery chimes in... YES, I did think about which arm to put which phrase on. I wanted the right slanting decrease on my right arm... the left slant on the left. The way that i imagined it is that it mimics the shape of my body \ / on the top. And if I decide to I could get the opposite / \ on my hips. HAHA

I did receive an email from one of the dearest of dear friends this morning before I left for my appointment. She was one of the naysayers. She emailed me with this...
"ok so i just wanted to make sure you knew that even though i am not sure how i feel about the knuckle tattoo thing- although i love the message! i would totally go with you and be supportive becuz i know you know what you are doing- anyway i wish i could go and be part of the process... i know it is going to be hot as shit- i am just working on my own assumptions of people with knuckle tattoos and the stigma in my head about it- but i'm really excited to see how it looks!!!! "

It meant the world to me.

I chose this post for i made it so's Fabulous Friday Feature Archive Dive:
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  1. Holy crap.. that's the coolest! The K2TOG and SSK tattoos are also awesome... and I was immediately trying to figure out which way that meant that the decreases were slanting.. lol. I've been seriously considering a knitting tattoo for my 30th birthday coming up in October because of how much knitting has changed my life.. I just haven't settled on an appropriate design yet.

  2. Love your looking tough pic. LOL. The K2TOG & SSK is the best reminder! Now if it had just worked well on my @*$&% top I'd be in like flynn. I got my 1st tattoo in 1975, a black panther on my right side of back. Back then cheesy flowers, butterflies and I Love MOM were the best to "pick" from. I now have 4 more. Best advice I can give is sunscreen!

  3. I love them! Especially the SSK and K2TOG. So cool.

  4. dear punk rawk,
    you are an inspiration!!! i love your knit/purl and your ssk & K2TOG. woot!!
    p.s. i found you via tattooed yarn's blog.

  5. Lovely new tattoos! The old typewriter font is so perfect. Remember...don't pick.

  6. Ha, that is awesome!!!
    They look REALLY good, knuckles are sometimes fussy (as you probably know) - it looks like yours took beautifully.

    the decrease tattoos are brilliant. Brilliant. and all your new fingerless mitts will come in handy now and look even more bad ass. :)

  7. that totally RULES! I'm jealous..

  8. Actually, I often prefer the using ssk on the left and the k2tog on the right. That's cool!

  9. OK, have to say, the decrease tattoos are what really impressed me about this post!

    Carrie sent me here to see your knuckles--I love the font, it's perfect.

    Perhaps next knitting night I'll show you my knitting tattoo, unless I already did last friday...can't remember.

    Anyway, happy healing!

  10. LOVE love love the font!!!
    and i think that it screams TAMMY, in the most wonderful way possible!
    i'm really happy for you and the tats look awesome!!!
    i have to ask--did the elbow ones hurt more? because the skin there is so soft...wait...i'm checking mine...
    nevermind. :o)
    haha! congratulations! i can't wait to see them in person!!!
    p.s. xoxo to the kitties.

  11. You are sooooo bad ass, I love them and am completely jealous. Why didn't I think about the ssk and k2tog? Jeez.

  12. oh man! that is the COOLEST THING EVER!!! you rock the knitting and knuckle tattooing world!!! f#@k ya!

  13. girl you do rawk!
    I'm working on a page dedicated to knitting ink... let me know if I can post your pics with a link back to your pad...
    I love the K2Tog and ssk too...

  14. they do look really cool I must say---i really love the shape of the "k" in particular. And the scale is just right---but then again because it was you, I knew it would be!

  15. Way cool!! I just got my first bit of ink,and am saving the coin to get more!!

  16. Dude those tats are AWESOME.

    You rock!

  17. Delurking to share a quote with you that I am now living by. "In a culture that has taught them to preserve their bodies for enjoyment of others, women who tattoo themselves are implicitly making a declaration of independence from at least some aesthetic standards expected of them by family, friends, and society"

  18. I just had to come back to this post and say ever since Ive seen this on flickr that I now remember where your tattoos are to make the correct decrease. haha

    My next tattoo will be for Christmas and I am so excited! Its going to be a pin up girl knitting, with the ball of yarn on the floor.

  19. that is so much better than all those guys that get LOVE/ HATE on their knuckles! so original!

  20. The ones on your elbows are just about the best things I've ever seen! How amazing :-)

  21. I would be interesting to hear the thoughts of casual passersby on what the elbow tats mean. Very cool. But what if I need to cheat and use a mirror . . . .

  22. Amazing!! I love them and think they suit you so much!!!

  23. I love all of them!!
    That is great!

  24. Too cool! Perfect for you. I love labels *anyway* so these are especially nifty!
