Tuesday, January 24, 2006

I am so sick

I have been super icky sicky all weekend. It started off on Friday with an itchy scratchy throat. By Saturday I was feeling like my bones were made of lead. Sunday was that deceptive, "Oooh, I am feeling slightly better, so I am going to go ahead & run errands & go to work". UGH! Monday my cold was back, & it was pissed off that I had dismissed it the day before! My skin hurt, my teeth hurt, my hair even hurt. Today.... I think I actually do feel a little bit better. Though I could be deceiving myself again, I want to feel better so badly because there is a focus group being held by Classic Elite Yarns. It's a 2 hour Q & A session, & for participating we get free yarn. So I am trying to will myself healthier! Keep your fingers crossed that I am able to hold myself up for two hours & get some free yarn. If it's ugly yarn.... I will be so ticked off.


  1. A focus group for Yarn? That cracked me up.

  2. Ooops. I also meant to say FEEL BETTER!!!

  3. You poor thing! I hope you feel well soon (and that the yarn is beautiful).

  4. Free yarn good: Sick bad. I have a 3 year old w/ pink eye! Good thoughts to the get well farie!

  5. Hope the free yarn helps you feel better!

  6. goddamn, classic elite has a focus group in california for yarn?? i never hear about these things in massachusetts where the factory for classic elite yarn is!! jeeez... i am missing out. i hope u got something good from them!

  7. I hate it when my hair hurts.

    Feel better!!

    Had to get the Pirates cereal (one of my favorite movies and of course actors) and my nephew is staying and LOVES the cereal. Cocoa puffs with marshmallows. What's not to like when you're six?!

  8. Sending you lots of get well vibes *********~~~~~~~~~~****~~~~~~~~~~~

  9. Feel better soon, Tammy!
